Kabrita contains GOS
The Kabrita formula contains galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), which is an oligosaccharide offering prebiotic effects to the infants.1 There is strong evidence that GOS is beneficial for infants: GOS has been shown to increase the number of bifidobacteria and to reduce the number of clostridium perfinges towards a more balanced gut microbiota composition.2 Moreover, GOS was shown to maintain comfort in infants. In clinical studies, it was shown that an infant formula with added GOS increased the number of stools per day and improved infant stool consistency, preventing hard stools and constipation.3,4 However, these clinical studies tested an infant formula with a combination of prebiotics including GOS.

- 1. Macfarlane, G.T., H. Steed, and S. Macfarlane, Bacterial metabolism and health-related effects of galacto-oligosaccharides and other prebiotics. J Appl Microbiol, 2008. 104(2): p. 305-44.
- 2. Chen, Y.L., et al., A Prebiotic Formula Improves the Gastrointestinal Bacterial Flora in Toddlers. Gastroenterol Res Pract, 2016. 2016: p. 3504282.
- 3. Ribeiro, T.C., et al., Stool pattern changes in toddlers consuming a follow-on formula supplemented with polydextrose and galactooligosaccharides. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 2012. 54(2): p. 288-90.
- 4. Vaisman, N., et al., Short-term effect of prebiotics administration on stool characteristics and serum cytokines dynamics in very young children with acute diarrhea. Nutrients, 2010. 2(7): p. 683-92.121